Thursday, May 3, 2018

Probably More Than You Wanted To Know

I'm sitting here thinking about all of the things that need to be done in a small amount of time. I've never been much of a stresser. I don't usually get stressed out very easily, but I recently discovered what I feel like when I'm stressed. Every now and then, I get a feeling that something is lodged in my throat and no matter how much water I drink, it won't let up. I thought I had an allergy...turns out, it's anxiety. So, now I know. I have a ton of stuff to do at school and in my side job. I write articles for Searcy Living and I have a ton of articles to finish and I just feel like there is no time. Most of my articles require me to interview people and that requires time that I just don't have a lot of right now, but I was reminded of something today. Today is the National Day of Prayer. Jesus tells me to NOT be anxious, but to pray. I'm so thankful I have a Savior that reminds me to be still and to calm down. Chill out, Mandy!

You have probably noticed that I am a Plexus gal. Many people ask, "Well, how much weight have you lost?" This question brings me more anxiety. I cannot stress enough that Plexus supplements are not going to make you lose weight super fast. Plexus helps your gut health. Healing our gut and cleaning out the junk we've put in it for years will lead to weight loss. This takes time. Plus, I feel like I need to get this out there in the world, I am an overweight woman with many food issues. I am not stupid. I know that I am fat. I know that losing weight will help my feet problems, my knee problems, my over all health. I KNOW. Changing your eating habits will not happen overnight. Quitting food is not an option for food addicts. Alcoholics, tobacco users, drug/opioid addicts, etc. have no idea the struggle of a food addict. They don't need those things to live. You have to eat. Every gathering of friends/family and every celebration is planned around food. In my stress or sadness, I eat. When I'm happy, I eat. I know there are TONS of options out there to lose weight: Keto, Low Carb, Low Calorie, Macros, Weight Watchers, Herbalife, Isagenix, etc. etc. etc. Seriously, it never stops. The United States wants us fatties to lose weight. We get it. "If you just drink this shake for breakfast and lunch and these other yada yada mess, you'll lose sooo much weight." I'd love that, but here is the biggest problem: Who is going to go into my brain and stop me from stopping by McDonald's or Sonic or just grabbing that snack or this snack? This is the issue. Self-Control. Us plus sized beauties need your prayers and encouragement for self-control. We don't need your suggestions. I don't want to be rude and I don't want to come off as rude, but I need more help than your shakes or pills are going to give me. I take my Plexus supplements because I am enjoying their benefits. I haven't had any allergy issues this season, I sleep better, I have more energy, and I have lost 25 pounds! This is awesome! But I struggle everyday with food. Plexus has helped me so much, but only Jesus can heal my brain and heal my food issues.

Here's the funny thing with giving your issues to Jesus, sometimes we say we do, but we don't. I have prayed that Jesus help me overcome my food issues, but then I reach out my arms to give Him my problems and my hands are gripping onto them tightly. It's like I don't want to let go. Food is my comfort and I fear subconsciously if I give Him my problems, I won't feel comfort. HOW SILLY IS THAT?! I know good and well that He will give me all the comfort I could ever want, but I've got to let go of my issues with food. You might be reading this and thinking you didn't need to know all of that or you might be reading this and thinking, "I know exactly how you feel." When I really sit and think about all my issues, that lump of anxiety gets lodged in my throat again. Anxiety=want a snack. A never ending cycle. Lord, for realz...need Your help.

Let's move on to better topics. Next week is Teacher Appreciation Week. I taught at Liberty Christian School for 9 years. 9 years! Those people are my family and I miss them everyday. After 9 years, I got my Master's Degree in Library Media and was blessed with the opportunity to be the Library Media Specialist at Riverview-Kensett Elementary. I've made dear friends that have become my family too. I've also learned that the "Activity Teachers" kind of get forgotten sometimes. People tend to forget that Art, Music, PE, and Librarians are teachers too. I like to lovingly call us LAMP (Library, Art, Music, and PE) We light up the school! Don't forget your activity teachers when you sending sweet gifts and notes next week :) We have two weeks left of school, people. People tend to think that Seniors are the only ones who get Senioritis. Not true. We all get it around this time. soooo....Dear Parents, TAG! You're IT!

If you've made it this far, congratulations! You know more than you probably wanted to know about me. So, if you think of me, say a prayer for me to let go of anxiety and my issues, and let God be God. I love that He reminds us that He is God and we are not. So thankful for that!

Love you all dearly!

P.S. most of you know that I wrote a book, Party Central, and some of you did not know that. Well, I did and you need to buy it! Link in the sidebar. Also, I'm trying to figure out how to upload my book into iBooks. Is anyone interested in reading the e-book? I'll really try to get that going know, with all the extra time I've got. LOLLL No, but seriously, I'll try to get that up soon.


  1. Very Cool Mandy!!!! I had no idea you wrote a book! COOL! Mandy- I am cheering you on on your weightloss journey!
