Sunday, May 6, 2018

Here's to you, educators PART ONE

This week is Teacher Appreciation Week and I cannot let this week go by without thanking the people that got me to where I am. This is going to be a long and sappy post so just get ready!

1988-89 Kindergarten at Oil Trough Elementary

My teacher was Mrs. Lockard. Kindergarten was fun and full of new things. I remember lots of songs, crafts, and coloring. I remember getting in trouble one time. I was wearing a pink sweatsuit and told Tonya Bagwell that we weren't allowed to talk and I got in trouble for talking. I had to sit in the corner on a stool. It was terrible! LOL! I remember Mrs. Lockard giving us an M&M when we were good or did something well. I also remember getting to go into the first grade room during reading since I knew how to read well already. Mrs. Lockard, thank you for letting me be free to grow and learn. I loved going over to Mrs. Welch's room. I felt big. I remember wearing my blue cap and gown at graduation and reciting my part of the alphabet poem. I had M and N. M is for monkey swinging on a tree and N is for Newt who is staring at me. My best friend was Celeste Scroggins and she sadly moved away at the end of Kindergarten. Thank the Lord for facebook and we have reconnected. You all should probably know that this was the year that I was no longer an only child. Apparently, this traumatized my fragile little mind and I blocked it from my memory. I know that Mom had Casey, but I don't remember the whole experience. I also remember that we were sent home early one day because of the threat of severe weather.

1989-90 1st Grade at Oil Trough

My teacher was Mrs. Welch. Do you remember the teacher from Matilda, Mrs. Honey? She was just like her. She was precious! First grade fun and full of writing and reading and playing. I remember getting to write my own stories. I wrote my first book, "The Dog Who Lost His Bone." It was genius. LOL! My love of writing and reading started right there in that classroom. Mrs. Welch, thank you for letting me be creative and igniting my love of reading. I also had to find a new best friend. I was really good friends with a girl that was older than me, but we rode the bus together everyday and became fast friends. Stephanie Keyton, you are gem. I thought you were cool and weird and wonderful. Thanks for the memories, friend.

1990-91 2nd Grade at Oil Trough

My teacher was Mrs. Clark. I remember 2nd grade getting tough. This is where my hate of math started. LOL. I remember being very determined to be the first one done on everything, which led to sloppiness. I had to stay in the classroom to rewrite my numbers one time while the class was in the 3rd grade room watching a movie. I ended up rewriting it 3 times because I was just in too big of a hurry. Mrs. Clark, thank you for teaching me to slow down and take my time. This is where I learned that first isn't always best, but dang! I was determined to beat Eric Long in turning in those papers. We were a hoot!

1991-92 3rd Grade at Oil Trough

My teacher was Mrs. Roach. I remember hearing that she was the mean teacher. I walked in pretty scared, but turns out they were wrong. She was amazing! Thank you, for teaching me my multiplication tables. 3rd grade is where I was again in need of a new best friend. Stephanie moved to the Jr. High. This is where I met my bestie for the restie, Elaina. We were quite the pair. 3rd grade was a fun year! I remember winning a coloring contest and getting to drink a Sprite in class. LOL! It was just a stepping stone!

1992-93 4th Grade at Oil Trough

My teacher was Mrs. Russell. This was the best year ever! Mrs Russell is the very first teacher that inspired me to be a teacher. I remember doing so many fun things in her class. She inspired my famous Rockin Reading Day at Liberty Christian School. We had this awesome day where we brought pillows and blankets and laid around the room reading all day. This was my favorite day ever. Mrs. Russell read Judy Blume's "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing" and I fell in love with reading (I read this to every 4th grade class I taught). Sadly, Mrs. Russell had knee surgery during our school year and we had a substitute. This woman was amazing! Mrs. Johnson was her name and she was fabulous. She always sent home encouraging notes home on cute notepaper that had candy attached. She was super fun. We were sad to see her go, but happy that Mrs. Russell came back. I remember doing a writing program called McRat. Does anyone else remember this? 4th grade was a fun year!

1993-94 5th Grade at Oil Trough

My teacher was Mrs. Latting. Now, I'm not going to lie. This was not my favorite year of elementary school. This is the year that math became the top of my hated list. I remember having to go clean out Mrs. Latting car and finding very scary things in there. remember. LOL! I remember us watching a super scary movie at Halloween. Schools were so chill back then. People weren't all offended by everything and parents didn't come whining at the school all the time if their kids got into trouble. Teachers handled everything. Our teachers could paddle and they did. I never got paddled, but we all heard the ones who did because it was right outside the room. This was the year that Lion King came out and we sang those songs ALL the time at recess and even performed them a few times. We also played Saved by the Bell on the playground. The classroom wasn't fun, but 5th grade was really fun with my friends.

1994-95 6th grade at Oil Trough

My teachers were Mrs. Cook and Mrs. Fowler. This was the best year of elementary school for all the fun things. Mrs. Cook ignited my love of history. We had this United States in the back of the classroom made of carpet pieces. I adored it and still want one. We painted the United States on the playground basketball court. I painted Missouri green. It felt like an epic day. I remember studying different countries and eating different foods from around the world. We had Hawaiian food once and watched Elvis. We created the most amazing Arkansas History binder ever and I still have it and used parts of it when I taught Arkansas History. I remember getting to cook a Thanksgiving lunch and playing bingo at our parties. Mrs. Cook, thank you for everything. You are special to me.
I remember getting into trouble for selling hand-made stickers on the playground (not too much trouble. LOL) I remember getting detention ONE time for talking in the cafeteria when the traffic light was red and my friends came to detention with me because they didn't want me to spend those 10 minutes alone. TRUE FRIENDS! I remember dressing up at Reba McEntire for "Who Do You Wanna Be When You Grow Up" night. I wanted to be a country star. LOL! I remember putting up the flag in the mornings and getting soaked when it rained. I remember getting pneumonia and missing school (which I HATED). I remember all things Lisa Frank and Looney Tunes. One of my favorite memories was getting to go to Mrs. Fowler's house and having a sleepover with all the 6th grade girls. Mrs. Fowler, you are so amazing and made 6th grade fun. I loved 6th grade!!!

Oil Trough

There are many people that worked at that school that played a major part in my life. Mrs. Reynolds was a great principal. I remember getting to be principal for the day and helped in the office with Mrs. Judy, the secretary. We did this awesome reading across America contest where we won prizes for reading. It was so fun! Mr. Balentine was my librarian all through elementary school. We played Dewey Decimal Bingo and had one computer in 6th grade that connected to the internet. LOL! Mrs. Sinilie (spelling?) was a substitute sometimes and she kept us all in the line. Mrs. Sykes taught art for a while. Our school counselor, Mrs. Anderson...bless her for dealing with 6th grade girl drama. She had a plunger on her car so she would know where she parked. The Miss Bettys! Wonderful and sweet cafeteria ladies. The best! Mrs. Steward and Mrs. Vance-Miller were amazing Music teachers. I just knew Mrs. Miller was Julie Andrews. She was precious and I still remember some of our songs. Mrs. Spragins, my GT teacher. She let me be free to create. I wrote many books in her class, went on many Quiz Bowl trips, and performed the Twelfth Night on stage in 6th grade. Shakespeare in 6th grade. I'm sure it was horrendous. Coach Moore, bless you for dealing with me trying to play basketball that one year. Mrs. Pollard was the best school nurse ever! Mrs. Fowler was a great PE teacher. I still hate the mile, but I have fond memories of those scooter boards and the parachute. Mrs. Waegner taught us PE very early on, but I don't remember much and Mr. Raul taught us Spanish very early on. Mrs. Ballard let us play Oregon Trail and Math Muncher and make greeting cards on the printer in Learning Center. Mr. Troy was my bus driver and uncle. We hit several mailboxes and poles, but we always made it to school. LOL. Mr. Miller was a cool Art teacher and let us be creative. He also married Mrs. Vance-Miller! Mr. Madison taught us beginning band. Bless you, friend. 6th graders playing instruments cannot be fun, but you inspired all of us to keep at it! You made me love music and I'll have more about you in part two. I remember field days where I got participant ribbons and got to drink a Dr. Pepper and eat a sack lunch on the playground. I remember smelling salmon patties at lunch time and begging the Bettys to give me double portion of mac and cheese and skip the salmon (they did). I remember learning from McGruff the Crime Dog and Smokey the Bear taught us that we were the only ones to help prevent forest fires. I remember placing 2nd place in all the Science Fairs because Chris Water's projects were always better. I remember running around playing with all my friends and having crushes on the boys. Eric Long, we were birthday buddies from day October 12 and 14 of 1982 and we have been buddies since. I have so many sweet memories with you. Elaina, we were the best of friends and are definitely still Peas and Carrots. I remember drawing our dream mansion in art and singing Willy Wonka songs in Music and learning the State song and President rap. I have no many sweet memories at Oil Trough Elementary. I'm sure I've forgotten someone and I'm sorry. Thank you all for making Elementary School fun and filling me with the best memories. Thank you for dedicating your life to education and making a difference in my life. Much love!

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